Do you want to take your organization to the next level of Environmental Social Governance and Sustainability?
Are you looking for the latest trends, standards and regulations?
Do you need specifically crafted solutions to innovate and make your practices more sustainable, such as circular business models or eco product design?
Do you want to take your organization to the next level of Environmental Social Governance and Sustainability?
Are you looking for the latest trends, standards and regulations?
Do you need specifically crafted solutions to innovate and make your practices more sustainable, such as circular business models or eco product design?
Sustainable business practices have incredible value-creating potential and opportunity to set your business up for future success.
I am a sustainability expert in the sport and fashion industry, and certified Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) Manager.
I would be happy to provide tailor-made solutions to your exact needs through a range of services, whether it be as an initiator, catalyst, strategic consultant, coach or sparring partner.
Every company is different. It is important to form a working relationship that truly understands your unique situation and needs. From there, we can develop a shared vision that takes into consideration the latest trends, standards and thinking to deliver concrete, pragmatic and executable plans.
Sustainable business practices have incredible value-creating potential and opportunity to set your business up for future success.
I am a sustainability expert in the sport and fashion industry, and certified Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) Manager.
I would be happy to provide tailor-made solutions to your exact needs through a range of services, whether it be as an initiator, catalyst, strategic consultant, coach or sparring partner.
Every company is different. It is important to form a working relationship that truly understands your unique situation and needs. From there, we can develop a shared vision that takes into consideration the latest trends, standards and thinking to deliver concrete, pragmatic and executable plans.
Von der Herausforderung, eine Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie zu entwickeln bis hin zum konkreten Einstieg in ein kreislauffähiges Produkt: Ich unterstütze Sie dabei, das Thema Nachhaltigkeit strategisch aufzusetzen. Ich helfe Ihnen, die komplexen Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, aktuelle Pflichten und Regelungen im Blick zu haben und die operative Umsetzung zu bewältigen.
Ich bringe mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Sport- und Modeindustrie mit – vom Handwerk über den Mittelstand bis zum Konzern. Aus meiner langjährigen Karriere bei adidas – ein Nachhaltigkeits-Champion der Branche – weiß ich, wie Nachhaltigkeit im Produkt, in der Lieferkette und in der Kommunikation angelegt sein muss, um zum Erfolg zu führen. Ich bin vertraut mit knapp bemessenen Margen und kurzfristigen Zielen – und ich bin dennoch überzeugt, daß das Thema Nachhaltigkeit mehr Chancen als Risiken für das Unternehmen eröffnet.
Jedes Unternehmen ist anders. Jeder Kunde hat eine andere Herausforderung zu bewältigen. Ich höre erst einmal zu und hole meine Kunden da ab, wo sie stehen. Ich habe ein Gespür für mein Gegenüber und Freude daran, gemeinsam etwas zu erarbeiten. Ich agiere besonnen und gewissenhaft. Ich mag es, gegensätzliche Interessen einzuordnen, zu moderieren und zu einem guten Ergebnis zu führen. Ich berate konkret, lösungsorientiert und pragmatisch.
- Business Context: What are you doing now? What are your needs? What are the biggest challenges? What are the latest rules and standards that affect your business?
- Competitive and Market scenarios: What do others, especially your competitors, do? What are the latest trends? What are new developments and thought leadership to learn from? Who could be the best collaboration partner?
- Success factors: What are the most important internal sustainability value drivers? What are the financial realities and necessary change management tools required?
Strategic Planning
- Define and formulate CSR/ESG guiding principles and sustainability mission statement, KPI´s and key milestones
- Develop your sustainability strategy: Roadmap planning, strategy creation, support implementation
Identifying Opportunities
- Analyze your product portfolio to identify sustainability and innovation potential
- Refine your product innovation strategy including circular economy viability
- Strategic innovation management
- Business Context: What are you doing now? What are your needs? What are the biggest challenges? What are the latest rules and standards that affect your business?
- Competitive and Market scenarios: What do others, especially your competitors, do? What are the latest trends? What are new developments and thought leadership to learn from? Who could be the best collaboration partner?
- Success factors: What are the most important internal sustainability value drivers? What are the financial realities and necessary change management tools required?
Strategic Planning
- Define and formulate CSR/ESG guiding principles and sustainability mission statement, KPI´s and key milestones
- Develop your sustainability strategy: Roadmap planning, strategy creation, support implementation
Identifying Opportunities
- Analyze your product portfolio to identify sustainability and innovation potential
- Refine your product innovation strategy including circular economy viability
- Strategic innovation management
Together, we analyze the path you have taken, classify results and priorities.
I will work to introduce new ideas, perspectives and ask to-the-point questions that get to the heart of the need.
I am your partner to understand current developments and industry trends, and to provide counsel and clear recommendations.
This provides the necessary support to be clear, confident and take actions to move forward.
Together, we analyze the path you have taken, classify results and priorities.
I will work to introduce new ideas, perspectives and ask to-the-point questions that get to the heart of the need.
I am your partner to understand current developments and industry trends, and to provide counsel and clear recommendations.
This provides the necessary support to be clear, confident and take actions to move forward.
If you are more in need of inspiration or a starting point, I can provide thought-provoking presentations and workshops that help define the path.
Each session is tailored to your needs to serve as a base for initial discussions, brainstorming, and challenging the status quo.
Some topics could include:
- Sustainability certificates in the textile industry: What are they about and why are they important? Which ones make sense for your company?
- Material innovation: Less plastic – but how?
- Eco design: What’s in it for the bottom line?
If you are more in need of inspiration or a starting point, I can provide thought-provoking presentations and workshops that help define the path.
Each session is tailored to your needs to serve as a base for initial discussions, brainstorming, and challenging the status quo.
Some topics could include:
- Sustainability certificates in the textile industry: What are they about and why are they important? Which ones make sense for your company?
- Material innovation: Less plastic – but how?
- Eco design: What’s in it for the bottom line?
I have spent more than 30 years in leadership positions within the sporting goods & fashion industry, internationally as well as focused on the German market, at both mid-sized and large companies.
Much of my career was spent at adidas – a sustainability industry champion. As Vice President Brand Concepts & Sustainability, I was responsible for innovation concepts such as Boost, Primeknit and Parley for the Oceans.
In addition, I worked as Marketing Executive leading various initiatives such as Y-3 and adidas by Stella McCartney. In these roles, I learned to successfully bring a more sustainable approach to product management, supply chain, and communication, even with margin pressure and time constraints.
Working with Stella McCartney, a sustainability visionary, has impressed, encouraged, and shaped me.
This experience with product and brand management has given me a clear point of view on developing product innovations and related go-to-market strategies as well as on choosing the right strategic partners.
With a degree in fashion design, I know product and the importance of maintaining high-quality and being sustainable.
I am a certified CSR manager, who believes strongly in the importance of transforming the sporting goods industry towards a more sustainable future.
It is my passion to support and accelerate this transformation.
I have spent more than 30 years in leadership positions within the sporting goods & fashion industry, internationally as well as focused on the German market, at both mid-sized and large companies.
Much of my career was spent at adidas – a sustainability industry champion. As Vice President Brand Concepts & Sustainability, I was responsible for innovation concepts such as Boost, Primeknit and Parley for the Oceans.
In addition, I worked as Marketing Executive leading various initiatives such as Y-3 and adidas by Stella McCartney. In these roles, I learned to successfully bring a more sustainable approach to product management, supply chain, and communication, even with margin pressure and time constraints.
Working with Stella McCartney, a sustainability visionary, has impressed, encouraged, and shaped me.
This experience with product and brand management has given me a clear point of view on developing product innovations and related go-to-market strategies as well as on choosing the right strategic partners.
With a degree in fashion design, I know product and the importance of maintaining high-quality and being sustainable.
I am a certified CSR manager, who believes strongly in the importance of transforming the sporting goods industry towards a more sustainable future.
It is my passion to support and accelerate this transformation.
Badstrasse 22
90513 Zirndorf | Germany
Mobile +49 151 65632872
Badstrasse 22
90513 Zirndorf | Germany
Mobile +49 151 65632872